Egg Cheese 

 January 30, 2015

By  Nutra Chef

ndulge in an authentic Mennonite delight tailored for custard and maple syrup enthusiasts!


  • 2 litres of Skim milk
  • 1 cup of Buttermilk
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 cup of maple syrup
  • Cheese cloth

Prep & Directions:

  1. In a large stock pot, heat skim milk and salt over medium heat until just before boiling or reaching 180 degrees. This should take approximately 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the buttermilk and eggs until well combined. Slowly incorporate the egg mixture into the heated milk, then reduce the temperature to low. Over the next 5 to 7 minutes, the mixture will transform into curds. Note that a clear liquid will remain around the curds’ edges.

  3. Remove the pot from the stove and strain the mixture through a colander/strainer lined with cheese cloth, placed over the sink. Allow the liquid to drain through the cheese cloth, leaving you with the egg cheese.

  4. Transfer the egg cheese from the cheese cloth to your chosen dish. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours, allowing it to chill thoroughly.

  5. Once chilled, serve portions of the delightful egg cheese with your desired amount of luscious maple syrup. In our household, generous servings are the norm!

Enjoy a delectable treat that embodies the rich flavours of Mennonite tradition – custard and maple syrup harmoniously combined in every spoonful.


Nutra Chef

Nutra Chef is your go-to source for delicious and healthy recipes using high-quality, organic ingredients from Nutrafarms. Our recipes are created by experienced chefs and cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

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