Tailor-made Farm Packages:

 A Smarter Way To Do Groceries

3 Years Of Inflation-Free Groceries

Completely Customizable Farm To Table Deliveries

Pay As You Go Pricing Options

Enjoy exceptional, Ontario-raised products daily without stretching your grocery budget. Wondering about the cost? It's all about what you choose! Check out how three families customized their farm packages below.

Jeff & Jennifer A. - Young Parents Managing Active Weekends

  • Farm PaCkages

  • MeaT

  • Produce 

  • Pantry Items

  • cleaning Supplies


$124.80 Weekly

 Perfect for families with young children, Jeff & Jennifer's package ensures nutritious meals No Matter How Busy Their Schedules Get.

These young parents have 3 kids under the age of 11. Their weekends are a whirlwind of activities including basketball, soccer, and swimming. To fuel their active lifestyle, they built a protein heavy farm package that includes: 330 lbs of dry hung meats (that's at $12.13 per pound!); 20kg of fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients; and $1200 worth of ultra concentrated cleaning supplies.








New York Strip 10lbs

Whole each x 3

Chops 35lbs

Beef Steak: T-Bone 10lbs

Green Beans x4

768 Loads of Laundry

Lean Ground Beef 45lbs

Breast B/S 10lbs

Bacon 20lbs

Ribeye 10lbs

Carrots x2

384 Loads of Dishes

$255 Down

4oz Patties 10lbs

Breastbone in 15lbs

Peameal Bacon 5lbs

Chicken BREAST B/S 30lbs

Corn Kernel x6

22 Refills of Hand Soap

$124.80 x 44 payments

Beef Roast: 10.5lbs

Drums 25lbs

Wieners 10lbs

Fish: Cod 10lbs

Peaches x2

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

Sirloin Tip x 1

Legs 25lbs

Pulled Pork x 2

Wild Salmon 10lbs

Strawberry x2

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

Rump x 1

Wings 10lbs

4 Berry Mix x2

32 Refills of Degreaser

Round x 1

Nuggets 10lbs

Smoothie Mix x2

96 Refills of Window and Mirror Cleaner

Total Hung Weight: 65 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 108.5 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 76 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 70 lbs

Total Weight: 20kg

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies

Total Price:


New York Strip 10lbs

Ground Beef Lean 45lbs

4oz Patties 10lbs

Beef Roast: 10.5lbs

Sirloin Tip x1

Rump x1

Round x1

Total Hung Weight: 65 lbs


Whole Pastured Chicken: 27 lbs

Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless: 10 lbs

Breast Bone In 15lbs

Drums 25lbs

Legs 25lbs

Wings 25lbs

Nuggets 10lbs

Total Hung Weight: 108.5 lbs


Pork Chops: 35lbs

Bacon 20lbs

Peameal Bacon 5lbs

Peameal Bacon: 10lbs

Wieners 10lbs

Pulled Pork x2

Total Hung Weight: 76lbs


Beef Steak: T-Bone 10lbs

Ribeye 10lbs

Chicken Breast Boneless 30lbs

Fish: Cod 10lbs

Fish: Wild Salmon 10lbs

Total Hung Weight: 70 lbs


Green Beans x4

Carrots x2

Corn Kernel x6

Peaches x2

Strawberry x2

4 Berry Mix x2

Smoothie Mix x2

Total Weight: 20kg


768 Loads of Laundry

384 Loads of Dishes

22 Refills of Hand Soap

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

32 Refills of Degreaser

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies


$255 Down

$124.80 x 44 payments

Total Price: $5,746

Chris P. A Home Chef Exploring New Recipes


$112.30 Weekly

Chris is a home chef who loves trying new recipes. He recently bought a smoker and wants to be the neighbourhood Gordon Ramsay. But he needs quality ingredients to cook like a pro. That's where Nutrafarms comes in. With the help of his farm rep, Ben, Chris built a farm package perfect for backyard grilling that includes: 297 pounds of dry hung meats (averaging $12.19 per pound); 14 kilograms of fruits and vegetables to keep meals fresh and interesting. It also included $1200 worth of Organic Cleaning Supplies which keep his kitchen spotless.








Lean Ground Beef: 50 lbs

Whole Pastured Chicken:

27 lbs

Boneless Pork Roast:
6 lbs

Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless:
60 lbs

Green Beans

x 3

768 Loads of Laundry

Stewing Beef:

20 lbs

Chicken Thighs Boneless/Skinless: 35 lbs

Pork Chops:
15 lbs

Cod Fillets:
15 lbs

Corn Kernel

x 3

384 Loads of Dishes

$255 Down

Sirloin Tip Roast:

7 lbs

Chicken Wings Split:
10 lbs

Bacon Sliced:
10 lbs

Wild Salmon:
15 lbs

Broccoli Florets

x 2

22 Refills of Hand Soap

$112.30 x 44 Payments

Grass Fed Rump Roast: 7 lbs

Farmers Sausage
5 lbs

Stir Fry Supreme

x 3

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

Farmers Sausage
5 lbs


x 3

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

Peameal Bacon:
10 lbs

32 Refills of Degreaser


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Total Hung Weight: 84 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 72 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 51 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 90 lbs

Total Weight:
31.35 lbs

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies

Total Price:


Lean Ground Beef: 50 lbs

Stewing Beef: 20 lbs

Sirloin Tip Roast: 7 lbs

Grass Fed Rump Roast: 7 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 84 lbs


Whole Pastured Chicken: 27 lbs

Chicken Thighs Boneless/Skinless: 35 lbs

Chicken Wings Split: 10 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 72 lbs


Boneless Pork Roast: 6 lbs

Pork Chops: 15 lbs

Bacon Sliced: 10 lbs

Farmers Sausage Mild: 5 lbs

Peameal Bacon: 10 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 51 lbs


Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless:
60 lbs

Cod Fillets: 15 lbs

Wild Salmon: 15 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 90 lbs


Green Beans x 3

Corn Kernel x 3

Broccoli Florets x 2

Stir Fry Supreme x 3

Blueberries x 3

Total Weight: 31.35 lbs


768 Loads of Laundry

384 Loads of Dishes

22 Refills of Hand Soap

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

32 Refills of Degreaser

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies


$255 Down

$112.30 x 44 Payments

Total Price: $5,196

Jacob T. & Sarah H.

- Busy Professionals Living In The Heart Of The City

$107.73 Weekly

This busy couple lives and works in the heart of downtown and enjoys city life. With their long hours, they appreciate the convenience that Nutrafarms offers.

They've built a beef-heavy order that appeals to their taste buds: 225 lbs of dry hung meats (averaging $13.18 per pound), ensuring quality cuts for their weekly meal plans and regular date nights; 14kg of fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet. Plus, $1200 worth of organic cleaning supplies which keeps their condo pristine and chemical-free.








New York Strip Steaks:

10 lbs

Whole Pastured Chicken: 27 lbs

Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless:

40 lbs

Green Beans

x 2

768 Loads of Laundry

Top Sirloin Steaks:

10 lbs

Chicken Breast

 30 lbs

Chicken Pub Strips:

20 lbs

Mixed Vegetables

x 2

384 Loads of Dishes

$255 Down

Grass Fed Ground Beef:

60 lbs

Chicken Wings:

 30 lbs

All Beef Wieners:

10 lbs

Peas & Carrots

x 2

22 Refills of Hand Soap

44 Weekly Payments:

4 oz Burger Patties:

10 lbs

Sole Fillets:

5 lbs

Carrots x 1

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

Stewing Beef: 

10 lbs

Wild Salmon:

5 lbs


x 2

32 Refills of Degreaser

Beef Rump Roast: 7 lbs


x 1

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

Beef Cross Rib: 7 lbs



96 Refills of Window and Mirror Cleaner

Beef Blade Roast: 7 lbs

4 Berry Mix

x 1

Smoothie Mix

x 1

Total Hung

Weight:  125 lbs

Total Hung

Weight: 67 lbs

Total Hung

Weight: 80 lbs


Weight: 29.12 lbs

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies

Total Price:


New York Strip Steaks: 10 lbs

Top Sirloin Steaks: 10 lbs

Grass Fed Ground Beef: 60 lbs

4 oz Burger Patties: 10 lbs

Stewing Beef:  10 lbs

Beef Rump Roast: 7 lbs

Beef Cross Rib: 7 lbs

Beef Blade Roast: 7 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 125 lbs


Whole Pastured Chicken: 27 lbs

Chicken Breast Bone-In: 30 lbs

Chicken Wings: 30 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 67 lbs


Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless: 40 lbs

Chicken Pub Strips: 20 lbs

All Beef Wieners: 10 lbs

Sole Fillets: 5 lbs

Wild Salmon: 5 lbs

Total Hung Weight: 80 lbs


Green Beans x 2

Mixed Vegetables x 2

Peas & Carrots x 2

Carrots x 1

Corn x 2

Peaches x 1

Strawberry x1

4 Berry Mix x 1

Smoothie Mix x 1

Total Weight: 29.12 lbs


768 Loads of Laundry

384 Loads of Dishes

22 Refills of Hand Soap

192 Refills of All Purpose Cleaner

32 Refills of Degreaser

192 Sink Fulls of Dish Soap

96 Refills of Window and Mirror Cleaner

Over $1200 of Organic Cleaning Supplies


$255 Down

44 Weekly Payments:

Total Price:




Nutrafarms' 3-year price lock ensures you enjoy consistent, high-quality meat at stable prices, protecting you from market fluctuations and making budget planning easier.

Please Tell Us Who Would Like To Lock In 2025 Grocery Prices All The Way Until 2028.


Did You Know Nutrafarms Offers A 

3-Year Price Guarantee?


We Grow Our Own Food And Handle Delivery.


Your Support Lets Us Give You Savings And Quality.


This Helps Us Keep Prices Steady For 3 Years.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Nutrafarms' 3-Year Price Lock Guarantee work?

Nutrafarms' Price Lock Guarantee ensures that the price you pay for any Farm Package you purchase within the next three years remains unchanged. It offers stability and protection against rising food costs due to inflation.

Is there a contract or commitment required for the 3-Year Price Lock Guarantee?

No, there is no contract or long-term commitment needed. The guarantee simply locks in the price for any Nutrafarms Farm Package you choose to purchase during the 3-year period.

What happens if food prices decrease during the three-year period?

Nutrafarms believes in transparency and fairness. If the cost of food goes down, our customers will automatically receive the new, lower price on future orders. We want to ensure that our customers always receive the best value for their money.

How can Nutrafarms offer a three-year price guarantee?

Nutrafarms has a vertically integrated supply chain, which means we have complete control over every step of the process, from working with local farms and processing facilities to operating their own warehouse and delivery systems. This control allows us to offer a consistent price for our Farm Packages over the three-year period.

Can I customize my Farm Packages while still benefiting from the 3-Year Price Lock Guarantee?

Absolutely! Nutrafarms' Farm Packages are customizable to fit your preferences and dietary needs. You can choose from a variety of locally sourced food products while still enjoying the price protection offered by the 3-Year Price Lock Guarantee.

How Else Does Nutrafarms Earn My Business?

Nutrafarms provides an 18-month Quality Guarantee at NO EXTRA COST. This guarantee covers the quality of the products and the seals on the packaging. That way our customers know that with each meal they eat with Nutrafarms, the products will be as fresh as the day they were packaged.


We back up all our products with a written, 18-month, 100% satisfaction guarantee.


Nutrafarms Is Proud To Offer A 3-Year Hedge Against Inflation With All New Orders. That Means When You Order One Of Our Grocery-Style Farm Packages, We Will “Lock In” The Price You Pay For The Next 3 Years.


Our 30-day replacement option protects your purchase, allowing you to ensure you've ordered correctly and receive a package truly customized to the way your family eats!